Monday, January 27, 2025

The Boys Are Growing Up

Today we're highlighting the two gentlemen of the flock.

Sharone, two years old this spring, continues to be the best boy.  Watches over the girls, breaks up squabbles (usually between Pippi and one of the girls) and is never (knock on wood) aggressive.  He knows his name and when I ask him to move while I'm cleaning up, he agreeably obliges.

 And, as we all know, he is such a handsome devil.

Any trepidations I had early on about having a first-time rooster have long dissipated.

And then there's Pippi.

I really can't complain.  His low level aggression has subsided.  Every once in a while I'll get a peck or two on my boot, but he doesn't have a power stand off with me as he once did.  And when I tell him to move, he usually obliges without incident.

His relationship with the girls is another story.  They're very accepting of Sharone's advances, but resist Pippi and when they verbally resist, Sharone comes running.  Yet the two boys have not tangled, at least that I've been witness to.


Sharone as a youngster

Pippi, last year at three months

Here's to the boys

Monday, January 20, 2025

Wintry Michigan Donks

 We're going to pause reality for a moment and pretend it's not -150 F outside right now.

Here is the loveliness of winter in Michigan.

Here is the loveliness of winter in Michigan with donkeys.

Here is the loveliness of winter in Michigan with snowy derrieres.

Rest assured the donks are blanketed with extra bedding.  And the clucks are tucked into a cozy coop. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Grab Me A Poultice, Will You

 In the seven years Sugar and Spice have lived here, neither girl has had an abcess.  Until now.  Of course.

Apparently Spice saw all the attention Gabby got with her owwy foot so she decided to play along.
Poultice #1 went on yesterday.

Long time farrier, Koren, has a phrase to help remember which of the two is rambunctious during hoof trimming (Gabs is usually an angel).  So if we remember "Spice is nice" we know who to watch out for.  Except this week.  I tried to pick out her hooves to see if her gingerly walking mode was a simple matter of snow packed hooves.  She was feisty as could be.  I had to get help.  Now come on, that's donkey care 101.  During the poultice operation she was a beast two or three times, but it's on.

Of a bit lesser concern, but still on the list, was a malfunctioning bird bath heater.  An "official" heater was a bit pricey so Rick opted for one that he thought would do the trick.  But it ended up being too high.  So we stole the heater from the donkey trough for the bird bath and gave the donks the bigger version.


During the winter the girls tend not to crab at each other as much.  Particularly during meals.
You'd probably not see this often in the summer.