Monday, August 19, 2024

Spotlight on Henrietta

 At this point in our little flock, Henrietta is top dog when it comes to seniority -- at only two years of age.

She was a three month old when she came home to live with us from the local feed store.
I would have said she was the biggest bully in the group but seeing the others interact with Pippi, I'm not sure.

I do know she is the first to ask for breakfast in the morning.  While I clean up donkey poo, the girls get to free range for a bit and Henrie is always the first to return to the coop and stand at the feeder, waiting.  If I'm in the middle of other chores in the coop, I bow to her request and get breakfast served up pronto.

I think she knows her name, although I'm more sure Sharone and Pippi know theirs.

 Henrietta fooling around in the hay aisle

Last month I found  6 eggs tucked away in a nicely made straw nest in the hay aisle.  Although not Henrie's handiwork, she felt compelled to join the trend.

Here's a quick clip to show off Pippi's gorgeous coloring.
By the way, she is turning into a little ankle nipper and I'm not sure how to cure her of this.  It hurts!

On a final note, the donkeys leisurely stroll to breakfast, as we all should, I guess.  


  1. She looks like a sweet little hen, it always amazes me to know how domesticated and intelligent those girls are.
    Love those beautiful donkeys !

  2. Loved seeing your little videos Janet. Pippi is gorgeous. I've never had one that nips your ankles though. Perhaps it is for attention, or she just enjoys a bit of mischief!! Donks look great. xx

    1. Louise, have only had one other chicken nip. With Pippi I thought it was to get treats, but now I'm not sure what the motivation is.
