Monday, February 24, 2025

Kooky Rooster

 Not quite sure what Pippi was trying to accomplish.  Prepping a nest for himself, one of the girls, or just being uniquely Pippi?
I had just refreshed one of the rarely used nesting boxes with new shavings.  And then there was this. 

I saw him do the same thing again (different nesting box) but didn't bother to interrupt him -- what's the point.

Here he plays king of the mountain (of manure).  He's a nut, but what a good lookin' boy.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Michigan Winters = Ice

 The only thing to talk about this week is the weather.  Yuck.

As you all know, I can tolerate the snow, but the ice, no.  And of course, as is its nature, the driveway hard-packed snow turned into a lovely shade of ice when the temps warmed and promptly fell.

It was definitely cleat season.  And paths of shavings, particularly at the donkey gate.  That ever so teeny slope can be treacherous for humans and donkeys.

Since these photos, we had a touch of snow so I've put the cleats away for the moment, but they are at the ready!

To top it off, we have developed a manure garden.  Frozen solid to the ground.  Impossible to get up with the manure fork or a regular shovel.  Let the good times roll.

And this is only part of the manure scene...

Pippi and Peggy maneuver around the poop to help the donks with a meal.

The forecast for this week is more snow and maybe, if we're lucky, some freezing rain.

****** Vegan Delights ******

One of my favorite Costco musts are these gems.  Vegan, deelish and not too sugar-filled.  Lovely with a cuppa.

I'm so pleased that Costco is holding their ground against the current pressure.  Stand firm!