A couple of days ago I gave a closer look at the water "trough" (its actually a BIG round rubber bowl) and decided on my next day off it would be time to clean out that baby. Hasn't been scrubbed in months and as I felt along the sides I uttered an involuntary "yuck!". So today was the day.
Hauled out more water from the house, shooed the donks from the vicinity and set to the job -- not what I would look forward to in 3 feet of snow. Grabbing the brush devoted to that task, I stuck my gloveless hand down in the yucky water. Scrubbed. Dumped the water (which of course just puddled under the trough), noticed there's still yuck left, so scrubbed a bit more, rinsed and refilled. Oh yes, put the heater back in - after cleaning the yuck off it too.
Then on to the regular chores.
Since I can only carry two buckets of water out on the sled, I'll need to refill at least once more today.
And did I tell you the shed is starting to flood.
And did I tell you I'm getting cranky.
Yuk is right! How do water buckets get so dirty anyway! Always something to do. It's cute the way you call them donks.