Damn it, damn it, damn it.
We lost Emmy Lou 2 this week.
I don't even have a good photo of her, but in this image she's the middle brown girl.
She was a good little girl, although a little pushy when it came to bananas and would leap up at the bowl I was carrying. If you recall, she was one of four hens I adopted from a farm being sold. They did a good job of re-homing all 100 chickens with our four in the photo above. That was in November so we've only had them seven months.
Rick found Em in a corner of the donkey pasture at the conclusion of their free range time on Tuesday. No sign of a struggle which is odd. I don't think that particular part of the pasture would have pointed to a hawk. So, we'll never know what happened but I have to believe it was a predator.

Here's Emmy Lou peeking through the door.
Our numbers have now dropped to eight, with Ruby Dee's death in late April.
Damn it!