Monday, October 21, 2024

Are You Kidding me???

 It's happened all over again.

We now have another roo!  And it's Pippi!

I said to Rick a couple of weeks ago, do you suppose Pippi is a boy?  Based on his large size (hardly a pipsqueak anymore) and his feather features. Sure enough about a week later after morning chores, Rick came in and said you could be right.   Pips had been exploring crowing sounds.

OK, I just got six more girls so Sharone wouldn't be picking on one or two girls and now we've got another rooster!  Plus he's minorly aggressive with his ankle/foot pecking.

I just sent the Michigan Humane Society a message today, explaining the situation.  I asked if he (weird to refer to him as a boy) gets more aggressive or becomes antagonistic to Sharone, can he be returned to them.  Someone asked today if I wanted to try to rehome him through FB and I replied with an emphatic "no!"  Roosters are a dime a dozen and although he's getting annoying I don't want harm to come to him.  I don't think she understood my point of view...

1 comment:

  1. Wish i was closer, i would take him. The only poultry I have on the farm is roosters. They dont fight if there are no hens around. I love my roosters.
