It's time to bust out with the big news.
Two more donks have joined the teeny tiny farm.
Moments after their arrival.
Meet Sugar (foreground) and Spice.
I was in contact with
Crossroads Donkey Rescue in Michigan (same rescue through which I adopted Alice) and was told of Sugar and Spice, who needed to be rehomed. The girls arrived October 29 and the integration with Luigi and Gabariella has been excrutiatingly slow. I know I know, it's only been two weeks, but I was spoiled by Alice's almost immediate acceptance. Thankfully we're seeing inch by inch daily improvement.
The girls had never been exposed to other donkeys previously, so it's been an interesting dynamic on all sides.
First day scenario above: S&S (far right) were wary, Gabs (far left) a little indifferent, and Luigi has his ears back.
Luigi accepted Alice with open arms, but this has been different. Particularly around food.
Often the comedian, Luigi photo bombs the eating scene.
For about the first week, they had to be fed separately. It was easier to bring Luigi and Gabs into the barn and keep S&S outside. Try mucking out a barn through gate bars!
We didn't think Gabby and Luigi were allowing the two newbies into the barn (or Sugar and Spice were too wary to even attempt going in). So, within a few days of their arrival, Rick and I were out in the dark, trying to blanket Sugar and Spice. The forecast for the night was cold and rain. We couldn't let them stand outside and get wet and cold. Clearly the girls had never been blanketed. What should have taken 10 minutes took over an hour.
Slowly they are settling in now. It's common to see Sugar, Spice and Gabby eating together.
And, more importantly, it appears all four will settle into the barn at night. A huge relief!
Interestingly, the two girls accepted the chickens immediately, but are a little skittish around the wheelbarrow as I go around the yard cleaning up, and find a moving bicycle quite alarming. Thankfully, they have accepted Gunner the dog.
Overall, they are sweet, mild-tempered donks with Spice being a little more reticent. She definitely follows Sugar's lead. Oh my, I forgot to mention they are sisters!