Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I'm Sorry, Buffy

It's been a week.  And not one I wish to repeat.

No sooner did I tell you about the damage the donkeys had worked so carefully crafted, than they decided they weren't done.  This is the door from the rear of the barn to the chicken coop.

Rick had built the door of plywood sides and a styrofoam core.

Yup, half of the wood gone with attempts at the styrofoam.  Once the mess was discovered, he stapled hardware cloth over the remaining door to keep them off of it. 

Have I had the warm and fuzzies toward the donkeys this week?  Take a guess.

The worst of the week's news is we had to euthanize Buffy.

 Clearly I did not choose a strong enough medication at the onset of symptoms and her condition deteriorated.  I can't tell you how guilty I feel about this.  I've done an abundance of research about poultry antibiotics and what I believe to have been her condition.  And attempts to find a poultry vet.  And attempts to find an injectable version of the antibiotic that's been recommended by other chicken owners -- with no success.  The powder yes but not the stronger injectable. 

I check the remaining girls every night, looking for clear eyes, listening for any sneezing. watching for head shaking.   If my diagnosis was correct, it was a bacterial infection which could have spread. 

Buffy was most likely 6 or 7 years old.  She was given to me three (?) years ago and was about three at the time.  She was never very dominant and recently found the new girls accepted her company easily because she wasn't a bully about treats.  The five of them would hang together. 

Her nickname was Boof and she'd come when called.  If she was the straggler coming back to the coop, when I'd start calling "Boooof" she'd respond with a quick paddle back to join the gang.

I am so sorry Boof.


  1. Janet I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Buffy, but please don't beat yourself up. You did your very best for her and she lived a fantastic life with you and what a marvellous age. I have never had a girl live to that age - ever. Sometimes no matter what we do makes a difference. I have taken previous girls of mine to a poultry vet only for them to come home and die anyway. We can only do so much and sometimes it is just their time. No matter how much research we do or how much we try (we are not vets and sometimes even the vets get it wrong) the inevitable still happens. You have got to remember the care and love she has had. I know all this doesn't make it any easier, but I believe in quality of life and please hold on to your wonderful memories.

    1. Louise, thank you so much. Reading yours thoughts does help.

  2. Hey Janet. I'm so sorry about your Buffy. At least you tried, very hard. I've never had a chicken recover, once they've come down with something, and around here it is almost impossible to find a vet that see chickens. Now I have doctored some back to health with tectracycline if they had infection from an injury. Someone gave us a turkey that had been caught and injured by a dog. We did save him. I can't believe your sweet little donkeys did that damage to the door. Who would have thought! Sorry I've missed your posts lately. Glad you left me a comment. Thank you.
