Sunday, November 17, 2019

No Rest For the Wicked, Hey Wait a Minute

Last Monday the skies opened for the snow to tumble down and tumble down, and continue to tumble down.  In one day we went from true fall weather to a full 8" of snow.

That means chickens don't get as much exercise as they will not walk in the snow (although I've read other hens do).  But our girls will not!
And donks felt cooped in as well.

But with the pasture covered, and protected, by the snowfall, the gate was opened.  As far as the donkeys were concerned, it was a veritable miracle.

The little herd now wanders in the pasture, nibbling bits of weeds and bushes popping through.  Except for Sunday morning slop time.  Then there's no prying them away from the feed bowls.

The hooligans continued with their wood chewing since we last spoke.

No sooner did Rick patch the hole (low to the ground) than they started in again.  It got worse after this photo was taken.  The solution has been to secure fencing to the barn in areas they can access.

Our barn walls have become a nice patchwork quilt of patches.
See the fencing?
I'm assuming damage control will set in with the pasture open.  Wandering and nibbling will keep the hooligans occupied.  Or else!

With the advent of snow and falling temps, water must now be hauled from the house to the donks and hens.  Yuck.

Let's close with a cute snap of Luigi, mugging while the girls do not want to be distracted from the task at hand.


  1. Beautiful pictures of the snowy paddock and hungry donkeys :)
    I wonder what makes them want to eat inanimate objects, like goats ...ooh dear, I have no helpful suggestions.
    Love seeing pictures of your donkeys, they are indeed characters.
    Stay warm !

  2. Gosh can't believe you have had so much snow and with a beautiful blue sky the paddock (and donks) look lovely. On the down side, it must make so much more work for you in those conditions. It's a pity there are no such things for donkeys like we have for hens - a 'boredom buster'. It's just seeds fused together that you have up for them to peck at. On a larger scale I wonder if you can get something like that for horses and donkeys? Looks like Rick has got his work cut out at the moment. They may be hooligans, but they are so cute.

  3. Our hens won't walk in the snow either, and I've known the guineas to stay in the tree tops for days to avoid the snow. Glad we don't get a lot of snow every winter. The donkeys are still adorable. Isn't it a full time job! Here too, but worth it, I suppose. :)

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