Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Driveway Interloper

 A couple of mornings ago as I pedaled out to the chonkeys, I stopped my bike with a lurch.  A big black  bovine was standing in the driveway, inside the fence.  Now wait a minute, let me get my bearings!  

It was my good buddy, Blackie.  You've met him before.

And there on the other of the gate in our driveway was the baby.

Well, that threw me for a loop, I gotta tell you.  Now I'm pretty comfortable around horses, but cows and steer, well I'm not so comfortable.  Just haven't been exposed to their company too many times.

So I got Rick, opened the gate and shooed him out.  Piece of cake.  Of course in the meantime I had texted the human neighbor and she corralled both uninvited guests. 

As an aside, I have no idea if Blackie is Baby's dad, but it's very interesting to see Baby run to him in the pasture when mom (Mathilda) isn't around.

Chicken News.
I'm getting three 3-month old Isa Browns from a local feed store (Maher Feed) very soon.  The critical decision of names is at hand.  Remember most of the girls are named after singers.  I've been tossing around "Babs" Streisand, "Petula" Clark, and "Leslie" Gore.  But I'm open to suggestions, please.

Thought I would entertain you with the calling of the hens after their free range time.  It amuses me no end to see the thundering herd come bounding in for treats.

  Yes, that's my high-pitched screech -- the voice I use every time to call them.  And it works.

*   *   *   *   *   *   Say Yes   *  *  *  *  *  *

Here it is, the best nondairy yogurt.

I've tried quite a few and this is my favorite.  Try it, you'll see.


  1. How exciting for you Janet to be getting 3 more girls. I love Isa Browns - they are the breed that I have as I love their friendly personalities. On the name front I love Petula and the only other name I can think of at the moment is one of my favourite singers = Celine (as in Celine Dion). Can't wait to see photo's of your new girls.

  2. Again, thinking about names, what about Dusty (as in Dusty Springfield), Mariah (as in Mariah Carey) or Whitney (as in Whitney Houston)??
