The good news:
We've stopped Marigold's treatment for bumblefoot and leg mites. So far so good. Much peppier now that she doesn't have to wear her vetrap trappings.
Today I picked up three new white feathered girls from the Michigan Humane Society. It was pouring when I picked them up through the time I arrived home so no photos at the moment. Please stay tuned. Right now they're segregated in one half of the two-bedroom chicken condo, which infuriates the "regulars". They are demanding a reduction in rent. I'm ignoring their protests.
The bad news:
Gabby is lame again. Only worse than last month. Cannot imagine what's going on with that girl. About this time in August I was pretty certain the source of the problem was a stone bruise. After a couple of doses of banamine and a week of babying it, she was trotting with the other donks. Now here we go again.
The farrier is coming out Wednesday (step #1 in the diagnosis process).
Please cross your fingers and toes. This girl is top of my list. It cannot be anything serious.