Monday, September 26, 2022

A Quick Update

 The good news:

We've stopped Marigold's treatment for bumblefoot and leg mites.  So far so good.  Much peppier now that she doesn't have to wear her vetrap trappings.

Today I picked up three new white feathered girls from the Michigan Humane Society.  It was pouring when I picked them up through the time I arrived home so no photos at the moment.  Please stay tuned. Right now they're segregated in one half of the two-bedroom chicken condo, which infuriates the "regulars".  They are demanding a reduction in rent.  I'm ignoring their protests. 

The bad news:

Gabby is lame again.  Only worse than last month.  Cannot imagine what's going on with that girl.  About this time in August I was pretty certain the source of the problem was a stone bruise.  After a couple of doses of banamine and a week of babying it, she was trotting with the other donks.  Now here we go again. 
The farrier is coming out Wednesday (step #1 in the diagnosis process).

Please cross your fingers and toes.  This girl is top of my list.  It cannot be anything serious.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Delightful Derrieres

 Stella the hibiscus is a wonder.  If you recall in June she was dropping leaves at quite an alarming rate and I was sure I had killed her.  A panicked call to the greenhouse told me to get her into full sun pronto.  Sun and water would revive the girl.  I was not optimistic.  Silly me.

Not only is she lush and full of leaves but is blooming again!

Recently I consulted with the greenhouse yet again to get instructions to winter her in the house.  I'm moderately optimistic.

Speaking of beauties, take a look at these delightful derrieres.

 As I gazed over the fence, I beheld more devilishly delightful derrieres.

such beauties

We're gong to leave the teeny tiny farm now and travel about 30 minutes north to Stepping Stone Falls.  It was the first we had heard of these manmade falls.  Well worth the drive.


If you check the map of Michigan we were in the vicinity of Flint (just down from the thumb crease).
A little geography lesson is always in order...

* * * * * * Just Say Yes * * * * * *

My new favorite snack:  bread/toast schmeared with peanut butter and Kite Hill dairy free cream cheese.  Oh yea.