Sunday, January 28, 2018

Peace in the Kingdom


  1. All seem to be getting along nicely. Love the new chickens !
    Let's hope the cold weather quickly moves on, I'm so ready for Spring.

    1. We had a brief taste, but it's snowing now, so good-bye warmer temps.

  2. Love the photo's Janet. Didn't I tell you it would happen ... eventually??!! Now enjoy your new family members.

    1. I may have exaggerated slightly... There's still a bit of squabbling over treats, but no outright agression, at least that I've seen.

  3. So glad your new family members are fitting in. Let's hope this peace lasts! We got the snow today.

  4. Hope everything is still going well on the chicken front. I had to let you know (because I am excited)I have just taken receipt of a brand new chicken coop. I have a master plan and ran it past my husband the other day. Thought he would say "oh no - not another one of your brilliant ideas" in a sarcastic tone. But Hey, he listened while I told him I want to get two new girls in May (when we have had our holidays). I intend to split the run area and keep the two new ladies in the new coop. My thinking behind this is that Rose and Vi are 2 years old this month and I don't want anyone to be left on their own. Now I have created a lot of work for husband - fixing run roof and making repairs to the existing area AND building my new coop!!! This morning I am the proud owner of 2 great big boxes - roll on May!!

    1. Wow, I'm excited for you. You must send photos of both new girls (in May) AND new coop when completed. I might get some new ideas from you -- uh oh...
