A few evenings ago, when I went out to lock up the coop, Fluffy would not leave the nesting box. Nope, not gonna.
So, I let her be.
Rick went out to feed the next morning and I asked him to take a good look at her. I, of course, jumped to the conclusion she was sick and I immediately started refreshing what to do for a bound egg. Rick immediately leapt to the conclusion she was being broody. We've only had one other girl get broody so we don't have a lot of experience with that chicky behavior.
Turns out Rick had the better guess. Nuts!
For two days we gently, but forcefully, removed her and told her she had to go get a drink and eat a bit. She did a little back-talking but obliged. And we'd find a nice pile of eggs under her.
Often, everyone likes to use the same nesting box so she could brood over a bunch of "babies". (We have 12 boxes, but hens are fickle.) I tried to explain the facts of life to her about the boy roosters and the girl hens, but she shut her eyes, closed her ears and that was the end of the discussion.
Each time we went out, back she appeared in the nesting box. Until yesterday. She gave up trying to be a mom and scooted out with the rest of the girls in the morning. Whew! Short-lived crisis.
Speaking of moms, look what I just discovered today. Next door.
And finally, speaking of cows, for those who are looking to ditch dairy, my new favorite non-dairy yogurt is da bomb (as my vegan cousin proclaimed).
Easily available at Kroger grocery stores in my neck of the woods in Michigan and, I've been told, also at Costco. It is totally deelish. And no calves were deprived of milk to make it. Yes!