Monday, July 6, 2020

Donkey Socks

We're trying all possible means to keep donkeys and chickens comfortable in this horrible heat wave.
Fans are a'whirling in the donkey barn and the coop.
I've put ice cubes in the water trough and the chicken water.
But, it's darn darn hard to relieve the donks of flies.

Their little legs get bitten raw.  I spray legs every day with the least chemically repellents, but still they get bitten.  Then it's time to  pull out the socks.

These little gems, found at the dollar store, are just the ticket.  Cut off the toes and you get the perfect  cover-up for little donkey legs. 

Luigi shows off his spanking new pair of dazzling white leg wear

Not to be outdone, Spice models with elegant sophistication her pair.  Between you and me, she felt she really outshone Luigi in all ways possible and expects a modelling contract soon.

Notice how sleek and sexy she looks.
She's the only donk who has completely shed out -- and it's July!! 

Often it becomes a game of hide and seek when you see a naked leg and start the hunt for a now dirt-colored sock.  See it?

But they can be tossed in the washing machine and used again and again.  Until the holes are bigger than a fly.

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