Monday, September 7, 2020

Callin' In the Crew

 Same words, same voice.  Usually.
I have my donkey voice and my chicken voice.  And generally say the same phrases for everyday tasks.  

Our normal routine is breakfast and morning chores around 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.  Out in the pasture, for both donks and hens at 1:00, back in at 3:00 for a snack.  So you need the words and the voice to get everyone back in where they belong.

Here donkeys are hauling some derrieres back in. 
Note:  If you were a fan of "The Closer", a TV series from a few years ago,  you clearly will never recognize my version of Brenda Lee Johnson's southern "thank yoooo". 

A logistical note.  I have just discovered the hard way that blogspot only allows videos of a minute in length.  My original video was 20 seconds over; trying to trim in a phone is a hack job at best.
My apologies.  

Usually I have to go round Luigi up, in the far corner.  In this instance he did finally come all the way.



  1. Your video is very cute of your darlings answering your calls.

  2. You made me smile Janet. Is there any bribery involved, i.e. carrots/treats, or are they just listening to their mother's voice? They were very well behaved for your wonderful video clip.

    1. You can take Luigi off the well-behaved list. The girls always cooperate, and then there's the boy with a mind of his own. As to your question of bribery, of course! With the chickens too. They are more eager than the donks, knowing a treat will magically appear.
