Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Mama Bird Chose Badly

 Mama bird picked a pretty poor location for her nest.

Take note of the tack box just inside the hay aisle sitting on the shelf.

This tack box, with lots of jumbled donkey stuff in it.

Well back in the right corner, mama bird built a nest.  I had noticed a bird flying out of the hay aisle on several occasions, but didn't pay much attention.  We have sparrows flitting around the chicken coop and the donkey barn a lot.  And then I put two and two together.

This is a really bad close up of the nest.

Just below the white fluff in the center you can see four or five eggs.  I'm trying so hard not to disturb her, and for some reason, this is hard.  I keep wanting to peek up there and see what's going on.  And when I do she gets skittish and flies off.  And then I tell myself, don't do that.  So I wait a few days and then peek again.   

Rick guessed she might abandon the nest because there was too much activity.  So far so good.

But mama, it's a really bad spot!

Donkeys are itching for that pasture to be opened.  They bellow at me constantly that they're starving.  I hadn't used the hay net in a long time, just because it's a pain in the neck.  But because they seem to gobble their hay/straw quickly and then bang their forks on the table saying they need more food, I decided the net was the thing.  It slows down their gobbling and makes meals stretch out longer. 

Instead of hanging it off the outside manger shelter, I put it in the manger (thanks to suggestion from farrier Koren).  I think it allows everyone access.

 They tend to roll their eyes when they see the net come out, but I ignore that.

Now, if you're really good, you'll recognize who's who below.

The Noses Know


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