I recently read many comments on a horse forum about the wonders of pellets for bedding. Less waste, less dust, good composting, etc. I was intrigued. But after viewing a video demo, I wasn't sure they would work in our low-key donkey situation. You see, we have no running water at the donkey shed.
During the warm months, a hose runs from the house all the way out to the donks. But in the winter, water gets carted out to the shed using buckets and a sled.
Yes, it is high-tech methodology, but... it works.
So, when the demo illustrated sprinkling the pellets with a hose, I gave pause. Hmmm... Talked to Rick about it, and he was immediately pessimistic about the workability.
However, last week I saw
Tractor Supply had bags of the pellets on sale and I couldn't resist getting just a couple for test purposes.
I haven't thought it prudent to try my test yet with these dreadfully cold temps still hanging around, but I'm hoping to soon.
My plan is to dump part of the bag into one of the 5-gallon buckets and use the sled to take out another bucket full of water. I'm assuming a full bag of pellets may be too much volume for the shed, but I could be wrong.
That's why it's called a t-e-s-t.
The shavings are what I've used the past two winters after I gave up on straw.
Three well-fed donkeys apparently couldn't resist eating their straw bedding during the night. I'd go out in the morning for breakfast feed and all evidence of straw would be gone! I was worried until I read that's not uncommon. However, I didn't need Fran and Luigi's already nicely rounded bellies to expand any further. So, I nixed the straw.
I'll report back in after the pellets vs. shavings test.