Monday, March 15, 2021

Smiles All Around as Weather Improves

 Last Monday, as I kvetched about in my post, I was still using cleats to traverse the driveway.  By Wednesday the ice had predominantly disappeared and cleats weren't necessary.  By Friday the mud had dried up significantly.  Isn't that amazing?

Although the chickens would only venture out on snow or ice very occasionally, the mud was another matter.  Mud didn't slow them down at all in investigating the donkey yard, after a winter of being cooped up.

In fact Marigold illustrates the fine art of mud puddle drinking.

Not to be outdone, Fluffy demonstrates ice water sipping.

Because the weather is conducive, the girls can now enjoy their afternoon exploration jaunts.  Getting everyone back in the coop has proved problematic the past few days, though.  Here the escapees investigate wild shrubbery.

While Sugar enjoys a sun nap.

Sometimes the girls rush into the coop after their afternoon exploration and rush to a nesting box.  Apparently my girls don't like to lay eggs out and about and prefer the comfort of home.
Turn your sound up for this one.  Here is the unique sound a hen makes as she makes herself comfortable in a nesting box, preparing to lay.  The only visual is flashes of her comb.



  1. Hi Janet - Loved your videos - they always cheer me up.

  2. Janet I have a strange problem with Ivy (my three year old). She is very disorientated and confused. She literally changed overnight. She didn't want to come out of the nest box so I carried her out. She was not eating and drinking so I hand fed her and syringed some water into her. She is now eating and drinking on her own but not moving much at all. We thought it may be something to do with her eyesight, but I have a feeling she may have had a slight stroke. Even in the garden she looks totally confused and she will not step down even the slightest step. These chickens will be the death of me I am sure. I worry and worry (but that's what I do best!!). Any ideas or thoughts you might have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Kind regards, Louise.
